The easiest way to use our API is via our Zapier Integration. If you need full transparency and increased flexibility, you can use our API directly.

Getting started

Sela API is designed to receive leads, perform phone calls, and send updates back to you via webhooks.

You need to obtain a Token to use this API. Call Sela at (337) 561-1412 or chat with her at to schedule a meeting with one of our AI experts. They will onboard you and set you up with an API Token.

Call Sela to get started

Call our AI assistant at (337) 561-1412 to schedule an onboarding meeting.


All of our API endpoints are authenticated using an Authorization token in the request header.

{"Authorization": "Token abc123..."}

If you are using our Zapier App, the “Token ” prefix will be added automatically. Please do not share your Token with anyone outside your organization.